Thursday 3 March 2011


On Saturday 19th Feb 2011, legendary DJ Jaguar “Jag” Skills performed at Dundee University Student’s Union.  A lot of hype was made for this event, with advertising starting weeks in advance.  Also the question of whether he would turn up or not was murmuring through the campus (anyone I know) as he was due to play Fresher’s Week but never showed.   At half past midnight, Jag Skills began…
Jaguar Skills is famously known for playing the character of a ninja. During his live shows he is dressed as a ninja with a full ninja mask so that only his eyes show.  Traditions which have been created around Jaguar Skills include the response to the words "Jaguar Skills" which should be met with "HoooOOO" by the crowd. His identity is also completely hidden and was originally only known by Trevor Nelson. Jaguar Skills also revealed his identity backstage to other BBC Radio 1 DJs Vernon Kay and Chris Moyles as well as the backstage crew at Keele University. His ninja costume is designed to add mystery to his persona.

The thing I love about Jag Skills is how in one night, in one mix you can hear the Super Mario theme tune, Chase and Status, Chesney Hawkes and Chemical Brothers.  Huge variety!
This continuous mix with the infamous air horn and Jag Skills commentator makes for a night of intense fun and craic leaving you exhausted and sweaty.  Yum!  His 2 hour performance made for me one of the best nights I have ever had at the union and have been hooked to his mixes on YouTube.  I really hope he comes back to Dundee to play again.

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