Thursday 21 October 2010

My Favourite Holiday Location - Bunagee Pier

Every summer holiday since I was 13, my family and I have always gone to the same place on holiday for two relaxing fun-filled weeks. It’s a small fishing harbour called Bunagee Pier, just outside Culdaff in the very north of Donegal. However every time we re-visit this place, it always seems to have changed. Some changes are more disliked than others.

The main difference we notice every year is the number of visitors and locals which are turning up all throughout the week to enjoy the Atlantic and awesome beaches. With this increase in so many people, comes an increase in noise level. Before it would be so quiet and peaceful, but now with screaming kids jumping from the harbour and the groan of jet skis and power boats it is starting to get rather irritating. Thankfully the only time we spend at the harbour is when we are fishing so we are able to avoid all the “noise-makers”.

Other changes are the number of people who go to the beach. It used to be a effortless task trying to get a car parking space, but now it’s a real pain to get into the car park never mind finding a space. On the positive side, the beach still has its “Blue Flag” and has amazing waves for some adrenaline pumping body-boarding and surfing.

The small coastguard cottage which we stay in is one of the highlights to the trip which hasn’t changed. Its nearly 200 years old as my parents friends bought it and renovated it before I even existed. Even though I’m now at the stage of not holidaying with my family, this is one place I never want to stop visiting.

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